Topographic and Truck maps available for the whole continent and now also map with DEM ( +info). Added functionality in the DEM to color the map by the elevation values including a switchable coresponding color scale legend and min/max elevation spinners in the DEM property dialog.
Enjoy all African continent in a single map. Dmarrage rapide Basic usage Installing QMapShack Install QMapShack Compile instructions Windows Windows with VisualStudio 2013 Windows with VisualStudio 2017 Windows with VisualStudio 2017 & PROJ version 8 GDAL support for additional map formats Linux with QMapShack versions Iberian Peninsula, South of France and Balearic Islands

Topographic and Truck maps available for the whole continent ( *) and now also map with DEM ( +info). offline for Garmin devices and programs like Basecamp and QMapShack.Open vrt file as a folder click on triangle to see elevations display options. Possibility to calculate routes between different countries. Now select this directory in QMapShack: File -> Setup DEM Paths.Enjoy all European continent in a single map ( *).For these cases, you can combine maps using the tool included in Contourlines download. In OruxMaps you can't either activate two maps at the same time. In some older models it is not possible to have two maps installed simultaneously on the GPS. data DEM, 3 arc second resolution (SRTM and Viewfinder Panoramas). After copying both to the GPS, check they are activated. map style offline for Garmin devices and programs like Basecamp and QMapShack. In order to have topographic map in the GPS, you must download separately the OSM Base Map and the Contour Lines of the country you are interested in.